As devoted followers of LEWIS! will remember, in 2004 April 1st was declared "A Day for New Beginnings, a Day for Chocolate Peanut Butter Treat." Fast forward 5 years and Chocolate Peanut Butter Treat is the only dessert that can satisfy the poor hungry LEWIS. Even after eating out at a nice restaurant and having a healthy-sized dessert, he returns home to cook up a batch. "I do enjoy a bit of chocolate peanut butter treat every once in a while," states LEWIS, his mouth full with his second serving of the day. In a brief moment of uncharacteristic generosity he then divulges his secret recipe:
1. Take a glob of peanut butter and put it in a pan with a generous handful of chocolate chips.
2. Turn on the heat and melt the chocolate while stirring.
3. Add a handful of oats, continue stirring.
4. Let cool and enjoy!
In other news, this morning LEWIS puts down 2 hours of running in yet another snowstorm.